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Monday, July 09, 2007

Google Ranking Tips From Google Employee

Last Days, Matt Cutts had a interview on the SEMExpo in Seattle USA. Here's a Brief summary of the some important statements:

1. Supplement Pages in Google

The pages in supplemental index are crawled seprately by Google as compared to the regular indexed pages. According to matt cutts the relationship between these two indexes are handeled a bit differently. He did't reveal the all details.
Webmasters should not worried because Matt Cutts blog also have many supplement pages.

2. Paid Links

Google does't allow to buy links in their webmaster guidelines, These websites can be penalised in the future.

3. Outbound Links

The outbound links are good for the internet users as well as for the search engines.

4. Impact of spammy domains which are owned by the same person

The webmasters who owned several apammy domains by the same name will be penalised and it can be penalised for all the domains.

These are some useful statemants said by Matt Cutts for Search Engine Optimization.

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