Dimensioni Seo Company

Monday, May 28, 2007

Search Engine Ranking Guaranteed

No one can guarantee for the search engine rankings in the Google or Yahoo. The ranking only based on the keyword effectiveness and how much the keyword competitive.

If your keyword is not much competitive than can only your website comes on page one ranking in the search engines very early otherwise it will take upto six to nine months. The best option is for search engine optimization is this regular optimization and ongoing work and work and work. Search Engine Optimization is a never ending process and after six to nine months you will get the best results from your website.

On Page Search Engine Optimization

Meta Tags and Keywords for pages
Optimize Alt tags, Place relevant alt tags on images
Optimize Link Title tags, Place relevant Title tags on Links
Create and Update XML Site Map
Create Additional Article Pages, New Pages and Press Releases
Optimize the content of all pages
InterLinking or internal linking and Structure modification
Validate HTML Code
Remove Broken Links
Rss Feeds
News Feeds
Article Writing
H Tags Optimization
Reduce Page size for search engines

Off Page Search Engine Optimization

Major factors for off page search engine optimization:

Keyword Competition Analysis
Keyword Density Analysis
Keyword Prominence Analysis
Checking Titles
Checking Meta Tags
Checking Broken Links
Checking HTML Codes
Content and Description Analysis
Page Ranking Analysis
Link Popularity Analysis

XML Sitemaps

Xml sitemaps is a easy way for webmasters to show or inform the page and website details for the crawlers and search engine spiders.

There are some protocols which are must for sitemaps:

XML Sitemaps must Begin with tag and end with tag.
XML Sitemap must Specify protocol standard in the tag.

Once you have created the xml sitemap than submit your sitemap in the search engines and submit your xml sitemap in Google and yahoo search engines. By This you sitemap get crawled early.

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