Dimensioni Seo Company

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Keyword Density for Search Engine Placement

The amount of Targeted Keywords in the content refers to keyword density. But website owners are still not aware of the significance of the keywords density. Today I will explain the importance of keyword density and how you can effectively use keywords in your content.
Keywords are the most important part of any SEO campaign, you websites' rankings largely depend on keywords you choose. When a search engine crawls your website, it looks for the keyword that is being searched, in the content of your website. If the keyword makes the 2.5 -3 percent of the part of the content, your site will be indexed. But the rankings of the site largely depend on various other factors such as Link Popularity, quality of the content, meta data, etc..
Never overdo with the keywords, don't stuff them. Stuffing may lead your website to black list of the search engine.
There are numerous tools available in the market to measure the density of the keywords. Carefully choose your keywords and wisely use them in the content.

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