Dimensioni Seo Company

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Supplement Pages and Search Engine Optimization

“How can I fetch out my pages from supplement Index?” This is the question we hear from several websites owner. After putting in all the necessary efforts, pages are counted in supplement index, Why?
Well, to answer this question I can write a book, but let's cut the long story short and get acquainted with the significant factors that can save your pages from being supplemented.
Life savior of your pages is Backlinks. If you have average quality or even good quality less content on your site but your site has several backlinks, you are saved from supplement index.
Even, if it has already trapped into supplement index, backlinks can do wonders for the site in digging out it from the entanglement of supplement index. Lousy content with good number of backlinks also works. I think backlinks are Google's favorite. Be cautious, backlinks don't any link from any website, they should be relevant and good quality links because they are the trust building factors.
Content Optimization also plays a significant role in avoiding pages from getting supplemented, but sometimes your unique, good quality article or page may too become a part of supplement index due to the use of similiar Website Templates. I think this is why directories are being hit hard by this, too little unique content on one page compared to the rest of the page. Also, unique content in your article with appreciably similar titles may also become the reason of falling into Google's pit of supplement pages because Copyscape may think content under the same title name will be duplicate.
Other some other important factors that count are Meta data, RSS feed, Outgoing Links and Duplicate URLs. Although meta data doesn't hold much importance in the eyes of Google, but distinct meta titles and descriptions can help Google understand that the pages are different from each other. While using RSS feed make sure you are using the no follow tag in your feeds or just use the robots.txt to prevent indexing of the feeds.
Overall TrustRank, age, etc are also accountable for supplement index but above mentioned points hold more weightage then others. So, keep in mind all the above said things and sparingly do the Optimization of Your Website, to save it from any havoc.

This article is published by Search Engine Optimization Company Dimension India Seo Consultants.

Search Engine Optimization And Traffic Generation For Beginners

Whenever a business introduce itself online, it needs some recognition, it needs traffic, it needs sales. We all know this, but how can a beginner bring recognition, traffic and sales for his business? Well, everything is possible in this technology based world, although it is bit difficult. It is harder to stand apart from the crowd with your own programs or business and people will approach you for your services. So, you need to invest some time into the optimization of your website and the generating of traffic to it. The more traffic you are able to attract to your website, the more profit you are going to make out of it. Initially it takes some time and efforts but once you are into the system, you will earn billions.
I will tell some important facts, which will help you in ranking high, getting better conversion rate and ROI. The foremost thing you need to take care of is, the domain name. Make sure you choose a business relevant domain name and it has atleast one keyword. Keywords are search phrases used by surfers while seeking information. Along with domain name, meta data, content of your page, links to other websites, etc should also contain quality and relevant keywords. Make sure the volume of those keywords is high in your page content. Optimize Your Website in such a way that it is compatible with all the browsers like Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc. All your links should work and if it contains images which display relevant content of your site, use alternative tags for them (you can define images by alt=”text goes here”).
When all the work has been completed, Submit Your Website to various search engines including Google, Yahoo, MSN and others, preferably manually. Don't rely on automatic submission softwares, submit your links yourself by hand. Your site may take time to appear in listings but eventually it will definitely be displayed. In the meantime you can start working on gaining backlinks. Sign up for forums, make a blog, visit chats, consult other websites to post your links or banners on their sites or banner to their site. You will observe an increase in website traffic everyday. The higher number of back links from top ranking pages you have, the higher you will rank in search engines yourself.
These strategies will surely give expected results but, in case these methods doesn't bring desired outputs, you can opt for PPC Programs (pay per click) like Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Engine Marketing (overture), miva, etc..These campaigns are expensive, so be careful before you decide to spend money on any of the campaigns or programs.

The article is published by Search Engine Optimization Company, Dimension India Seo Consultants.

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