Dimensioni Seo Company

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Pay Per Click vs Organic Seo

Visitors comes to a website by search engines. The search engines have two types of results one is organic search engine optimization and the other is pay per click services. When a fresh website launched into web than the seo results will come after 3-6 months when the websites comes on good and compettitive keywords, I mean to say targeted traffic. So if we want instant traffic from the day one then we will work on the PPC Marketing. The PPC helps the website to generate leads from the day one. While Organic search results comes after 3 months when the website launched in the search engines. After 3-4 months the seo results will groom and the website generate the leads or sales efficiently. So for a website the Organic seo and ppc both are very important. Search engine Optimization and Pay Per Click both are a part of Search Engine Marketing

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