Dimensioni Seo Company

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

PPC Search Engines

Here is a list of top ten ppc search engines, Where you can place your website advertisement:

Google AdWords
Yahoo! Search Marketing
MSN AdCenter

These all are PPC search engines and if you are promoting the website through paid advertising, or CPC Programs then these programs can generate good amount of traffic.

Paid Web Directory Submission

There are many web directories at the which are online and available for submissions. Some directories are paid and some are free to all. There are some web directories which are paid directories and have very high importance in the search engines.

yahoo Web directory
business Web directory
botw Web directory
gimpsy Web directory
azoos Web directory
clush Web directory

These are all paid directories. DMOZ and Google Directories also have very high importance and they are free.

Know more about Directory Submission.

Why Links are so important

Link building effects the Google page rank and the search engine ranking in search engines. Links are a main factor for search engine optimization and search marketing. By Link popularity Google decides the page rank, The pagerank describes the importance of a webpage in the search engine google. The google page rank can be 1-10. The Higher the pagerank will be high important web page. Quality is also important and quality is more important than quantity. There are two types of links you can establish, one is Reciprocal link and the other is one way links. Both types of link building are important in search engine placement. Google basically prefers one way link building as compared to reciprocal links. For more information about Page rank go to http://www.google.com/technology/ .

So Link Building Services plays a important and major part in search engine optimization.

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