Dimensioni Seo Company

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Link Building Services

Link building is important because they effect search engine ranking and boost the google page rank. We are providing Directory Submission, Search Engine Submission, One way link, reciprocal links, Articles submission and feeds submission in this category.
We have some conditions for link building services and these are as follows:
The links Are one-way to your site.
The links Are permanent for atleast a year.
The links Are embedded in text or image they will be in the middle of the page.
The links will Come from relevant pages or theme based pages.
The Anchor text will be changed after each 10 links.
The links can Points to your home page or your internal pages with appropriate anchor text.
The Links will not be from FFA or Free for all pages
The Links Are Published on different IPs.
The Links Are on pages with maximum only 50 links.

Please visit our website for further information.


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